Friday, January 23, 2015

Skies are Fabulous/Horrid Things

Hi.  Greetings from my studio.  Maybe it's a butcher shop.  Not sure yet.

Try number 1

Yesterday I gave myself three pieces of paper to practice landscapes on.  I figured I'd get a big sky in place and start the foreground practice today.  I got three skies.  Three tries, three strikes, three whatever, I got them.
Try number 2

You can't do a landscape full of sky without a sky.  So.. I'm turning the papers over and re-doing them.

Try number 3

Try number 3 is getting closer to what I have in my head.  Three pieces of paper means 6 tries, not three! I've been using Indigo to get the dark value I want, but it's not behaving on the paper like I want it to.  Time to choose another blue!  Cross your fingers for me.  Or light a candle or send energy or pray or do something!  I need all the  help I can get today.  


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