Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Thought Provoking Questions

My dear friend and cousin, Juliana, sent me some questions this morning that made me stop and really think.  She is preparing to teach a class on sparking creativity to a group of women from all backgrounds and sent a little questionnaire out to gather ideas.  With only 3 simple things to answer you'd think it'd go fast.  However, I pondered on it all throughout my class schedule today.  I thought I'd share the questions and my answers here.
Being creative with color; violet and yellow felt like a great base to start with.  Now, we'll see what comes up next!

  1. How would you define creativity? What does it mean to create? 

Creating is not just an event, it is a way of living.  It is not exclusive to the fine arts but can include mathematics, science, homemaking, parenting- anything where one thinks or acts in a way that is different than one's normally accepted or practiced way of thinking or acting.   

What is means to me is living with curiosity and joy. It involves 'making.' Creativity can happen in any part of life, be it creating a peaceful atmosphere, a loving relationship or a piece of artistic expression.  

2. What steps have you taken to discover and develop your creativity/talents?

My list-
Formally and informally pursued instruction to develop my talents and natural tendencies
Worked hard to increase my skills
Regularly read everything that will add to my knowledge base that I find
Teach what I have learned and am learning to others
Tried not to be content with what I have gained, but continue to develop and grow new ideas
I pray for guidance in using what I am becoming to the best of my abilities
3. Have you found any successful ways to help others discover their own creativity (and would you be willing to share those)? (For purposes of the session, I'm thinking specifically of an exercise that would fit within the time-frame, but I'll take more long-range suggestions, as well.)

Answer the following questions:
  • Are you curious?  Do you ask "what if" questions?
  • Do you make lists?  Lists are fantastic tools to increase creativity because we list the obvious things first, then we begin to get creative.  
  • What kinds of things do you read?  Do they give you new ideas or give you a sense of escape?  If they merely give you an escape, change your reading habits.
  • Do you window shop?  Looking at the things others have created will increase your own ability to generate ideas.
  • How many hours of television do you watch?  Turn the cursed thing off and let your mind begin to entertain you instead.  It will!  And you will be more creative as a result.  Choose what you view very carefully.  
  • Do you have time alone to think?  If not, can you carve some out?  
  • Do you go to museums?  Galleries?  Observatories? Libraries? Book stores?  Classes at Home Depot?  Step outside your normal routine. 
I'm not sure if I have added any wisdom to her already full store, but the exercise did me a lot of good.  Sometimes I need to evaluate my course and make sure I'm headed down a path I want to be on, not just the one of least resistance.  And I think I am.  For now... Life is a series of adjustments, I think.  

Thanks for stopping by! Alice

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