Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Let's Play

A few months ago, I put up this post about doing fun work.  I was sincere at the time.  In fact, I'll quote part of it-

"I think it might be a real learning experience to play and experiment for awhile.  I decided this afternoon that I am going to dedicate any studio time I get for awhile to 'dinking' around and just see what comes of it.  Can I even make imaginative art?  Can I just be whimsical?  Probably not at first, but who knows?  I might just find I have something to say in a whole new voice.  Whatever comes of it, I'm excited to begin." 
I really did mean it.  This is something I still desire.  When I finished the painting, "Party at the Grand Canyon" recently, I realized I had just had a great time.  And then remembered what I had written in October. Here we are in March and I have intentionally played very little in that time.  Possibly not at all.  What's the deal here, and why is this so hard to do?
Though this one was fun to create, it was an accident.  I didn't approach it with the idea of trying something new, it just happened.

Last night I came back out to the studio and looked at the painting I am currently slogging my way through, then began to look through my photo files of paintings I've done in the past 3 years or so. What I was looking for were pieces that I had painted freely and felt joy while doing.  The great feeling I had doing them shows when I look at them.  It shows in the colors and it shows in the compositions.  I still get the same feeling when I look at them.  What- am I really that slow?  Does someone have to konk me over the head with this??  Apparently so.  More than once.
Of these two images today, it's pretty clear which one was fun to make.  I am not going to touch this one until I can approach it with excitement. 

So, I'm not painting tonight.  I'm going to go climb in my font of inspiration and take some time to think this thing through.  And I have chocolate cake.

Thanks for stopping by! Alice


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