Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Alice Webb, Still Here

After school today I put on my elegant and attractive evening wear, (a ratty bathrobe and flip flops) and shuffled my tired old body out to the studio to put in my required hour of something or other.  Setting my current painting aside, I got out a full sheet of watercolor paper and sat down to draw out an idea.  3 1/2 hours later, my husband stuck his head in the door and asked if I wanted some supper.  Huh?  I had gotten completely lost in the process- Glory be, how long since that happened?
Faint, but there on the paper- a drawing that didn't feel like 3.5 hours of work at all.  I'm already dreaming up where to drop in wet, juicy blops of color. 

As you could probably tell lately, I've been burned clear out and just going through the motions of life, trying to ignite some enthusiasm for anything other than sleep and chocolate.  This, dear friends, is unlike me.  Alice Intense-Focus Webb is my real identity.  (Bless my husband's heart, poor man) However, today- without even trying to- I managed to get lost in the fascination of a project.  I'm still tired, but I'm also still in here.  Not burned clear out, just smoldering under the surface and ready to come to life again.  Thank goodness.  Now, where is that chocolate bar I stashed away...

Thanks for stopping by! Alice

1 comment:

Anna Lisa said...

Looks like it's going to be a beauty!!