Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lost in the Grand Canyon

And I mean LOST.  I hate working strictly from photos and this painting is a great example of why that is.  Photos flatten out what is usually a great view, making distances hard to read.  Trying to get a realistic idea of the atmospheric perspective is difficult with a photo of a normal landscape, but with the G.C. really, really confusing.  At least for me.  Maybe you have successful G.C. paintings lining your walls.  I clearly will not have even one, at least not from sitting in my studio trying to half decode a photo and half make it up.

After I realized I wasn't getting anywhere I wanted to be, I got out my trusty Sharpie pen and worked out where the lines I'd drawn had gotten off to.  It is a good drawing.  It's just not a good painting.  There's a difference.  
So, it's back to the old drawing board for me. I know- that is a terrible pun, but it's better than crying, right?   Two bad paintings in a row.  This is just plain dumb and stupid.  But, tomorrow is another day.  Now, I am going to go eat ice cream.  Lots of it.

Thanks for stopping by- Alice


Anna Lisa said...

I like what you're doing with this. Why NOT make it up if the photo doesn't have it all. BTW - I also subscribe to the comforts of ice cream - probably doesn't float in the bathtub though like the Chinese food packaging.

Alice Jo Webb said...

No, it probably doesn't, but if we eat enough of it, WE will certainly float in the tub!!