Thursday, December 31, 2015

Thoughts For 2016

Each day I try to take time for study.  In the morning it's a great way to jump-start the day and always gives me something to focus on as I drive to work.  If I can't take time in the a.m., I try to get it done before I sleep.  It matters.  As I was reading this morning, I came across something that caught my attention and thought I'd share it with you-

 "T.S. Eliot once lamented the fact that vast accumulations of knowledge in his day had been responsible for creating “an equally vast ignorance. When there is so much to be known,” he worried, “it becomes increasingly difficult to know whether he knows what he is talking about or not. And when we do not know, or when we do not know enough, we tend always to substitute emotions for thoughts.” 

Powerful words, particularly when we compare the even greater amount of information we have to process each day in our time to his.  If this was true in his day, it's even more so now.  I think in large part, we (including me) are part of an emotion-driven society.  Our politics are an example of this, as are the ways we deal with the poor among us or how we shop to seek ease for some hole in our lives. We are busy busy busy and have little time for introspection.  It has to be purposefully sought after. 

Whether driving or walking in the wild places of the world, I find the knots that tangle up inside of my spirit start to unwind and I can think and listen for inspiration.
After reading Eliot's quote, I have to ask myself if I'm living my life deliberately. Am I carefully making choices or allowing myself to be led around by societal trends that appeal to emotion instead of my reason? I think it's easy to get so busy that one can just skim along on the surface of life without taking time to stop and check the purposes for doing what we do.

On a trip earlier this week, the beauty of the day and place lifted my heart up to where it needed to be. 
As creative people we are particularly susceptible to this.  Our emotions are a large part of our creativity and expression.  However, just because what we create is partly a product of emotion, how we live should be driven by reason.  We need to find balance as we work, balance to help us keep an eye on what we are making, how we are making it and most importantly, why.  I believe self-awareness is  crucial to the quality of what we create and how we live.  Knowing where our motivation is coming from can help us determine whether we are on a path we really want to be on. I love the saying, "Don't let what you want right now get in the way of what you really want."  It's a great measuring stick in my life.

I finally had to stop the car and walk around awhile. I found myself relaxing and stress simply slipping off of my shoulders.

It's a good time of the year to re-assess and take time to think about where I am and where it will take me.  I need to simplify and check priorities and then set goals. And I'm looking forward to the process.  I need it.  This season belongs to soul searching.  Be safe and Happy New Year, friends!
I love New Mexico.  I love the amazing country and views.  The skies and light are ever inspiring to me, but only if I take the time to get out and allow it.  There has to be time in life for introspection if there is to be balance.  

Thanks for stopping by- Alice

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