Monday, September 14, 2015

Maybe I Like Gouache

This is fascinating paint.  Hmm, I was worried there for a bit that my dread of it would keep me from painting indefinitely.  Gouache actually is watercolor with less planning.  I say less planning because if I want to, I can add white to my paint and cover an area that I would have had to leave empty till I was ready to tackle it.  Sort of.  Make sense?  No...    

The Storm Approaches
7" x 10"
The paint on the foreground wasn't dry when I took this picture, as you can see in the bushes.  I have no patience.  

Let me put it this way; if I wanted a deep sky with transparent watercolor, I would have to leave the highlights white or mask them.  That leaves hard lines sometimes, so that has to be factored in.  On this painting, I went very dark then added highlights on top of it with a yellowed down white paint mixture.  It is an additive process, I can layer with opaque color and go lighter.  With transparent paint, you can only go darker.  So far, that's the main difference I find.  I'm not abandoning my true painting love, transparent watercolor, just learning some new techniques to make things interesting.  Isn't painting a gas?  Well, you know, when it works, that is.  

Thanks for stopping by! Alice


Unknown said...


Alice Jo Webb said...

Thank you!

Alice Jo Webb said...

So glad you like it.

RH Carpenter said...

Looks great! You are learning a lot every time you use the opaques.