Thursday, September 10, 2015

Dirt. Lot's of Dirt.

Who has time to clean their studio when the house is only getting a lick and a promise now and then? You can usually tell how nasty this place is by how many dustpans full of dirt and fluff get filled up.  As humiliating as it is to admit, I've been avoiding digging the studio out.  Not news, I know, I do this every now and then, but maybe you are a studio-cleaning-avoider like me and this will make you feel better about yourself.  If not, you can at least feel a bit smug about your tidy ways.  Either way, you're welcome.

Every time I do this, I realize how many art supplies I have and remember the projects I have planned to do with them.  Although I rarely pick those long-planned projects up, the supplies for them get my creative juices stirred up and I find myself chomping at the bit to make something.  Like a painting or cookies!  Warm cookies are a pretty strong contender, you have to admit.  Whichever way the wind blows me, know that I am happy and absorbed in the moment.  I hope you are, too.

Thanks for stopping by! Alice

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