If someone assigned me to paint a self-portrait and display it in a prominent place, I suspect I'd get uptight. I imagine I'd begin to wonder how honest it should be, you know, do I have to paint all of the wrinkles? Maybe I'd worry that it wouldn't really look like me and people would think I was not much of a painter. Or, what if it did look like me and I would be shocked at how ugly I've gotten!
This young man was having trouble being good in his regular classroom today, but as soon as the art supplies came out, he was on them like a duck on a Junebug. No problems behaving in art. |
This week, I've been watching my students work on their self-portraits. They don't seem too worried about how they'll appear OR what people will think. They've been giggling about not having any clothes on their pictures yet and admiring each other's pieces of art. To tell you the truth, it's been pretty refreshing- a great reminder of why I make pictures.
The older girls are much more concerned with how their clothes turn out than the boys. Big surprise there! |
I make a living teaching art to children. I don't make a living painting pictures for customers. If someone doesn't like my work, it's really not my problem. Now there's a thought! I can just make things with the abandon and joy my students show. Well, you know, as much as my head will allow.
Sweet face, sweet girl. |
There is a verse in the Old Testament that I love. Isaiah wrote it. He says, "With JOY, draw ye waters out of the well of salvation." This post is certainly no sermon, but the message is clear to me; have joy, be joyful, do what you need to do, but find joy in it! I should find joy in my art.
Okay, this one had me looking for the school counselor till I realized there were vampire teeth on the lower lip. Then it made perfect sense!! LOL |
Well, okay! I'm on board. Thanks, class for teaching the teacher a great lesson. One I already knew, but need reminding of now and then. Or... everyday in my case!
Thanks for stopping by! Alice