Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sky work, take 1

So.. Lessons learned:  1. Don't paint late at night if you don't know where you want the painting to go 2. Don't keep painting once you realize you have messed it up AND 3. Just because your watercolor teachers have all told you to begin at the sky and work your way forward doesn't mean you have to do it that way.

Effort 1 was a sad failure, but I'm forging ahead!  

 Well, I got off to a decent start, see above.  All handled wet, one go and no layers.  Too bad I'm too impatient to wait till it dries to photograph it, but there you have it.  I'm not patient.

 Still could have pulled it off here, see above.  Should have quit and gone to bed till I knew where I wanted this to go.  But, no!  I'm terrible with foreground work, I guess I got nervous and figured I'd just get on with ruining it and stop putting it off.  Sad, really...

 The above is the first coat of ruination, I'll spare you the next shot.  Let's just say it got darker and muddier and, well, worse.  Take my word for it.

So, with a toothbrush (not mine, of course) I scrubbed as much off of the foreground as would come off, pthalo blue is a true stainer after all, then washed over it with a yellow, spattered some darks and called it a night.  That's okay, it's just paper and we begin again!  

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