Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Poppies, a New Concept

Recently I decided I need to shake things up a bit.  It felt like I was in a creative rut and needed to try something new.  After thinking about things for a few weeks, I decided to play with masking fluid and see what I could come up with.  

The primed paper and first layer of masking fluid
The primed paper and first layer of masking fluid

Using a Fineline Masking Fluid Pen, I drew the lines for the main shapes I wanted to portray on primed paper.  I wasn't as concerned with accuracy as far as botanical details as I was with the way the design looked.  It was fun to just draw what I liked until it pleased me.  

The lines of mask kept the paint from flowing outside of each shape, which I really liked
After the mask dried, I put down the first layer of color, letting the different mixtures blend and mix within the lines of mask.  I liked the way that looked and dropped in the color wherever I thought it would work.  

Each successive layer of paint and mask increased the depth of the design

After the first layer of paint dried, I applied more masking fluid with the same applicator I used before.  I added designs and lines over the blues and greens with the idea that as I added more paint to those areas, the mask would protect the lighter colors beneath.   

By the time I got to this point I was so excited it was difficult to wait for it to dry between steps

Alternating layers of color and mask, I built up the color depth and designs with each application.  The under-painting  I started with only showed up in the original lines.  I had two shades of reds that I allowed to blend together on the pre-wetted paper on the petal shapes, which was fascinating to watch. 

Poppies with Glitter and Sequins
20" x 14" on Arches 140 lb. cold pressed paper

Here's the best part- when the mask was removed and the whole thing was dry, I glued gold glitter in the centers of the flower shapes and turquoise and green sequins on the designs in random places! Glitter and sequins on a painting?  I wasn't sure if they would ruin the finished piece or add to it, but it was a grand experiment anyway, right?  I went for it, and it turned out to be the most fun piece of art I ever, EVER did... so far.  What a satisfying project.  

Thanks for stopping by! Alice


Anna Lisa said...


Alice Jo Webb said...

I'm so glad you do! Thanks, Anna Lisa.

Barbara Kay said...

Amazing! I'd love to try this! Thank you for sharing the steps so clearly ❤

Alice Jo Webb said...

I'd be interested to see what you make!