Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Hollyhocks 2

The color scheme on this one got out of hand, but it turns out, I like out of hand! I just couldn't seem to stop with the layers. The deeper they got, the more fun it was.  

Hollyhocks, 2
Watercolor on Arches cold pressed paper
16" x 11"

Changing things up a bit in what and how I paint opened up my mind to all sorts of ideas for things I want to try.  I think I climbed out of my rut and remembered that there are many ways to express myself creatively.  Again. A good shake up is a necessary thing now and then. 

Thanks for stopping by! Alice


laura said...

Gorgeous! A beautiful design, and ot has the colors that make my heart sing: orange and red violet!
I love the white lines too.
It's about time I start to try to work on getting out of my slump/rut!

Alice Jo Webb said...

Thank you! I hope you find a fun way out of the slump.

Anna Lisa said...

Still loving this series!! This work is so engaging with the variations in color and line.

Alice Jo Webb said...

Thank you, Anna Lisa!