Sometimes I feel like I have two lives: the one that involves things like family, home life, eating, bills, shopping or any of the wonderful or mundane activities that life revolves around, and the life that happens in my studio. Together these two aspects keep my life balanced. Occasionally though, one overtakes the other and I begin to feel stressed.
The creative needs that drive my studio time don't go away just because daily life has crowded them aside any more than bills or life pressures go away when I'm on a deadline in the studio. Both are real and each needs consideration. However, there are times when this is easier said than done. There are days, weeks or even months when no matter how good my plan is, I lose all control of events. Such is life.
One way I keep myself balanced when reality runs over me is to read. When I absolutely can't squeeze painting time out of a day, I can read about creative pursuits. I am also beginning to explore digital sketching when riding in the car or waiting for appointments. Both help me keep my perspective.
Another fan of Danny Gregory, Van Stone has written a good resource for the imagination and creative thought. |
Knowing I was headed into a crazy few days this week, I purchased the book,
Sketch! The Non-Artist's Guide to Inspiration, Technique and Drawing Daily Life, by France Belleville-Van Stone. The thing that "drew" me to this book was the chapter on digital sketching.
A digital sketch by the author |
The author did this on her iPhone. Blows my mind! |
A sketch done on my iPad in the car this weekend |
While I'll probably never fully get control of life, (Actually, who will? Really...) I can find ways to cope with the crazy times and continue to grow and progress. If you're looking for a quick read,
Sketch! is a fun book and has enough good material to give the mind plenty of scope for thought and planning. The illustrations are fantastic as well; I totally recommend the book!