Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Heaven On Earth

This was a tough day at work.  Some days are like that; the kids at school go in cycles... right now they are in a naughty phase.  And we teachers are tired!  In art, the older students are painting rocks.  I've gathered several 5-gallon buckets of them this week so far and still today I could see I would need more by tomorrow.  So.. after I got off of work, I headed straight for the mountains for more rocks.  I have to admit, I wasn't excited and really just wanted to go home and sit around in my jammies and veg.

Soothing, cold, running water, just what I needed.
Then, I got to the water.  Today may have been the prettiest day of the year.  I sat by Cave Creek and breathed the cool autumn air and watched the sun move towards the mountain peaks, enjoying the shadows the trees were casting across the water.  By the time I had meandered down the stream and picked up enough rocks, all of the knots in my neck were gone, my headache was gone and so was my grouchy mood.  The mountains had worked their magic on me once more.

The Chiricahua Mountain Range across the desert.  You'd never know, driving to them what a beautiful oasis they are in the desert.
On the way home, the clouds were so spectacular to look at that I was a bit of a danger on the road!  I probably passed two cars on the 40 minute drive home, so all ended well.  You know, sometimes I get restless with the isolation of where we live and I have to go to a city and get a town fix, and sometimes I resent driving long distances to take care of business as well.  Then, I have a rough day and as the beauty around me begins to ease the wrinkles out of my crumpled spirit I remember that I love this place.  Again.
Looking opposite from the Chiricahuas, bare desert mountains are beautiful, too.

Thanks for stopping by! Alice


RH Carpenter said...

So glad the water and rocks and shadows soothed your stress - when you said they were painting rocks, I just thought they were painting rocks in paint on paper but you meant they are painting rocks! ha ha Hope they appreciate what you are doing for them! Thanks for sharing the great photos.

Juliana said...

Nature is amazing in its curative properties, isn't it? Thank goodness for mountains and streams...and rocks.