Saturday, June 29, 2019

Gouache Practice

Painting with gouache is still difficult, but I keep trying. Recently, I tried the same subject twice for practice. It's still darker than I'd like, but I felt I learned from them. 

Both 9" × 12" on Arches cold pressed

Not masterpieces, but better than past efforts. And fun to do. A delightful, maddening medium. 

Thanks for stopping by! Alice


RH Carpenter said...

I like both of these but know the frustration of gouache. I wonder if it helps to come from an oil or acrylic painting background to get to gouache. To me, it just seems so opaque and I wonder how you keep the colors clean - but you obviously did that as the light is lovely on these.

Alice Jo Webb said...

I think it must, as the whole thought process is dark to light in all opaque mediums. To watercolorits it's like thinking in negative!