How do people do it? I mean, how does one work full-time at a demanding job and still find time to create and imagine and dream? I was sure I could when I accepted a job recently. I figured after I adjusted to the job and the very demanding task of learning to handle all the new skills I would still have nights and weekends to spend in the studio. Right? Right??
Boy, was I wrong! It has been a big learning experience for me. I have some of the coolest co-workers around, with plenty of room to make the job my own
and great support. What I don't have is enough of me left by the time I come home for anything that calls for creativity or energy. How do others deal with this? I am filled with admiration for those who manage to juggle family, jobs and their artistic lives. It's been a dark time in my life, with little joy or satisfaction, but we don't quit! Right? Sigh...
Me, with a favorite customer. I've met cool people and seen some interesting things and learned a ton about myself. |
And then suddenly, out of the blue has come a chance to spend my days in a way that the
very idea of fills me with delight! I've been offered a job as the elementary art teacher at the local school. Of course, I accepted and then signed the contract so fast it almost caught on fire. A chance to use my art skills and share them with others? Heck yes! I'll start in August, with the summer weeks to give me time to be prepared to teach 7 classes each day. What a challenge, what a chance, what FUN. This feels right. Just right. I am sure there will be challenges, but what worthwhile thing doesn't have those? Right?
I'm up to this. I am going to be good at this, right??
RIGHT! (she said a bit nervously, with a little thrill in her tummy)
The view from my little hammock, which is where great ideas come from. (Well, you know, besides in the shower..) Here's to more hammock time and some new inspiration! |